March 2012: draft policy issued for comment. From it, I read the policy was a big progress for open access to research papers . It stated that The Government’s Innovation and Research Strategy for Growth has tasked the Research Councils with ensuring that their current requirements for Open Access are met. “It is anticipated that the revised policy will be adopted in summer 2012″.
July 2012: actual policy released. It announced that from April 2013, science papers must be made free to access within six months of publication if they come from work paid for by one of the United Kingdom’s seven government-funded grant agencies, the research councils, which together spend about £2.8 billion each year on research.
November 2012: RCUK stated that Gold OA is the preferred mechanism of choice to realise open access for outputs that they have funded and have announced the award of block grants to eligible institutions to achieve this aim.
January 2013: RCUK announced that they “will not enforce” embargo periods.
February 2013: The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee has criticised Research Councils UK’s (RCUK) for failures in its communication of its open access policy. The report says the previous lack of clarity about RCUK’s policy and guidance was ‘unacceptable’. As a response RCUK clarified that it would gradually phase in its open access policy over a five year implementation phase, and recommend that RCUK update its policy guidance and all its communications to reflect the anticipated "journey to compliance" and its flexibility over embargo periods.(From online information)
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