Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Home messages affect fluency of speaking another language

Sometimes there are moments when people blurt out homeland languages while they are speaking with foreigners using foreign languages. Why they happen make people confused.

Shu Zhang, a Chinese native, teamed up with Columbia social psychologist Michael Morris and colleagues to figure out the problem. In a new study, they show that reminders of one’s homeland can hinder the ability to speak a new language. The findings could help explain why cultural immersion is the most effective way to learn a foreign tongue and why immigrants who settle within an ethnic enclave acculturate more slowly than those who surround themselves with friends from their new country.

Previous studies have shown that cultural icons such as landmarks and celebrities act like “magnets of meaning,” instantly activating a web of cultural associations in the mind and influencing our judgments and behavior, Morris says. In an earlier study, for example, he asked Chinese Americans to explain what was happening in a photograph of several fish, in which one fish swam slightly ahead of the others. Subjects first shown Chinese symbols, such as the Great Wall or a dragon, interpreted the fish as being chased. But individuals primed with American images of Marilyn Monroe or Superman, in contrast, tended to interpret the outlying fish as leading the others. This internally driven motivation is more typical of individualistic American values, some social psychologists say, whereas the more externally driven explanation of being pursued is more typical of Chinese culture.

Understanding how these subtle cultural cues affect language fluency could help employers design better job interviews, Morris says. For example, taking a Japanese job candidate out for sushi, although a well-meaning gesture, might not be the best way to help them shine.

“It’s quite striking that these effects were so robust,” says Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, a developmental psychologist at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. They show that “we’re exquisitely attuned to cultural context,” she says, and that “even subtle cues like the ethnicity of the person we’re talking to” can affect language processing. The take-home message? “If one wants to acculturate rapidly, don’t move to an ethnic enclave neighborhood where you’ll be surrounded by people like yourself,” Morris says. Sometimes, a familiar face is the last thing you need to see.

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