Monday, March 25, 2013

Could Google Glass be on sale?

Some days ago google has announced a new creation, Google Glass, which will be sometime before on sale. When it is expected by mass in an earnest mood, a lawmaker proposed a ban on driving with the augmented reality glasses.

Google Glass is a wearable computer with a head-mounted display developed by Google with the aim to produce mass-market ubiquitous computer. Google Glass has the ability to take photos and record 720p HD video. While video is recording, a recording light is displayed above the eye, which is unnoticeable to the wearer. 

Like smart phones, Google Glass may make another surprise. But West Virginia Legislature Republican Gary G. Howell recently proposed a bill that prohibits “using a wearable computer with head-mounted display” while driving a vehicle. This would align with current U.S. laws that make it illegal to text or use a smart phone while driving without using a hands-free device.

Gary said: “It is mostly the young that are the tech-savvy that try new things. They are also our most vulnerable and underskilled drivers. We heard of many crashes caused by texting and driving, most involving our youngest drivers. I see the Google Glass as an extension”.

A newly published article from the Traffic Injury Prevention Journal suggests that texting while driving could be over a quarter more dangerous than drink-driving. (try to search through oalib for more scientific materials:

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