Friday, April 12, 2013

How important is spring cleaning in brain

Scientists believe that there is a self-repair function that a legion of stem cells stays to turn into new brain and nerve cells whenever and whatever in need. Before they are aroused they keep themselves in a state of perpetual readiness-waiting to become any type of nerve cell body might need as cells age or get damaged.

However, new research from scientists at the University of Michigan Medical School show how they produce this. There is a type of internal ”sprint cleaning”, which is able to clear out garbage within cells, and keeps them in their stem-cell state.

Scientists recently discover a particular protein, called FIP200, is responsible to the cleaning process in neural stem cells in mice. Without such protein, these crucial stem cells suffer damage from their own waste products and their ability to turn into other types of cells dips.

This information may suggest that aging brain and nervous systems are more prone to disease or permanent damage because the body’s ability to produce new cells to replace damaged or diseased cells. If the findings are the same in human, the research could open up new avenues to prevention or treatment of neurological conditions.

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